How To: Import with Factor References

A Factor Reference is a unique identifier attached to a specific emission factor. It ensures that you get the exact emission factor you intended. It can be used for filtering in the Inventory and Factor Library and for import.

Finding a Factor Reference

To find the reference on the system, you must first, of course, find the emission factor.

If the factor is already in use in your Inventory,

  1. Navigate to the Inventory

  2. Click on the relevant entry in the table

  3. The detail pane will appear and you will find the reference under “Factor Reference”

  4. You can also find the Factor References when you download the Inventory table

If the factor is not yet in use,

  1. Navigate to the Factor Library

  2. Use the search and filtering to find the appropriate factor and the click on it

  3. The detail pane will appear and you will find the reference under “Factor Reference”

Importing using Factor References

  1. Once you have found the reference(s) you need, enter them in your spreadsheet (preferably in a column labelled “Emission Factor Reference”).

  2. Navigate to the Import view

  3. You will need to select the Reporting Period and Activity Category and then select “By Factor Reference” for the Factor Mapping field.

  4. Upload your data

  5. Proceed through the Step 2 and 3 as normal – you will not be able to map any keywords and details, these will be populated according to the found emission factors.

  6. If any reference were not found, you will not be able to process the import line with an emission factor. You can either update your import file and try again or import the line with no factor.

  7. If the references were correct, then in Step 4 you will see that the keywords and details are populated and the emission factor values are present.

  8. Finalise the import as normal.

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