Manage emission data entries. Each entry provides the volume of a particular product, process, or asset that contributes to the company's total emissions.
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Manage emission data entries. Each entry provides the volume of a particular product, process, or asset that contributes to the company's total emissions.
Last updated
The inventory is where all emission and activity data is stored. Each entry in the table contains the following types of fields:
The fields that define how it should be reported (e.g. activity category, organizational unit, reporting period)
The fields that allow the system to select the appropriate carbon factor (e.g. fuel type, location)
Volume values that are used alongside the carbon factor to calculate the emissions. There might be different formula options to determine the inputs for this and the options will vary between activities
The fields and value options will vary depending on the activity selected.
You can view and edit the details of an entry by clicking on the row or expand icon to open the details pane.
Once you have filled out the necessary fields, the emission data will be populated.
The Factor Source indicates which dataset the emission factor is found in. In this case the preferred source is used. This is specified in the Boundaries > Emission Factors page.
See How To: Manually select an Emission Factor from a Connected dataset on how you can use a custom emission factors or other datasets.
It is possible to edit multiple Inventory entries simulateously using the multi-edit functionality.
Simply check the lines you wish to edit using the checkboxes on the left of the table, and then click "Edit checked". The entries will be loaded into the detail pane at the same time and you will be able to edit the fields as needed.
In multi-edit mode, fields can be in 3 different states
Single value - All selected entries have the same value for the field and so that value is displayed.
"Mixed" - There are different values for the field within the selected entries. These fields can be edited and will then show the new value selected (as they will all be the same)
"Incompatible" - This indicates that the field is not compatible across the selected entries. This could be due to the structure of the entry (e.g. different formulas) or the options available in the dropdowns (e.g. a Detail field where the Keywords are "Mixed" value). "Incompatible" fields cannot be edited in multi-edit and you will need to adjust the selection.
The main filter on the inventory is the Activity Category Filter. Here you can select to display the entries for one or many activity categories. If you select multiple activities, using the checkboxes on the left, the fields will be displayed differently if the selected categories do not have the same fields.
You can also filter, sort and search the inventory as well as choose which fields to display.