How to: Calculate your target

Learn how to calculate your target following the principles of the Science Based Target initiative.

Set the Target Calculation Criteria

Before you can view a target based on the Inventory data, you will need to set up the target calculation criteria.

Open the detail pane by selecting the expand icon next to the block containing the company account's name.

The detail pane will open to a form where you can enter the company's size and the target details. See below for more information on each field.

Company size

You can choose for non-SME (the regular targets) and SME. The targets to be set are dependent on the company size, SME or non-SME. The selection for the company size is not linked to the Business Metrics in the Inventory.

To be considered as an SME, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • The company has <10,000 tCO2e across scope 1 and location-based scope 2 emissions;

  • Do not own or control maritime transport vessels;

  • Do not own or control power generation assets;

  • Are not classified in the Financial Institution (FI) Sector or Oil & Gas (O&G) Sector;

  • Are not a subsidiary of a parent company whose combined businesses fall into the standard validation route for non-SMEs.

And two or more of the following must be true:

  • Employ <250 employees;

  • Turnover of <€50 million;

  • Total assets of <€25 million;

  • Are not in a mandatory Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) sector.

Target type

You can choose to calculate a Near-term or Long-term target. The target type determines the Target year and emission reduction to be met by the Target year.

Near-term targets cover a minimum of five years and a maximum of 10 years from the date the target is submitted for assessment (see Validation of Science Based Target Initiative). For SME, the near-term targets are all set for the target year of 2030.

Long-term targets have a target year no later than 2050, both for SME and non-SME.

Base year

You can choose one of the Reporting Periods of the Inventory (see Boundaries) for the Base year. The calendar year of the midpoint of the Reporting Period is used as the Base year. The Base year must be between 2018 and 2023. The upper range of the Base year will be updated on a yearly basis.

The emissions of the selected Reporting Period are used to calculate the targets. When selecting a Reporting Period, make sure that the emissions are representative of the typical GHG profile.

Target year

You must set a Target year - the year by which the target must be met. You can set a Target year:

  • For Near-term targets for non-SME: Between 2023 (earliest Base year + 5 year) and 2035 (most recent submission date + 10 year).

  • For Near-term targets for SME it is 2030

  • For Long-term targets, both for non-SME and SME, it is after the Near-term target and before 2050.

The calculated target

The calculated target is given for Scope 1&2, Scope 3 and the total, in ton CO2e in the Target year, with the reduction percentage that was applied.

Last updated