Fuel- and energy-related activities

Greenhouse Gas Protocol

The activity category “Fuel- and energy-related activities” includes emissions from extraction, production, and transportation of fuels and energy

purchased or acquired by the reporting company in the reporting year, not already accounted for in scope 1 or scope 2, including:

  • Upstream emissions of purchased fuels (cradle-to-gate up to the point of combustion)

  • Upstream emissions of purchased electricity (cradle-to-gate up to the point of combustion by power generator)

  • Transmission and distribution (T&D) losses (cradle-to-gate of energy consumed in T&D system)

  • (Generation of purchased electricity that is sold to end users)

The above explicitly includes emissions from fuel combustion; and excludes the embedded emissions from (company-controlled) energy generation assets (e.g., production of solar panels, construction of the power plant…).

(source: GHGP Corporate Value Chain Standard, p34)

Implementation by Carbon+Alt+Delete

Carbon+Alt+Delete has implemented an automated calculation of those emissions for all relevant scope 1 & 2 categories (if the required emission factors are available in the selected set of emission factors):

  • Fuels in scope 1 (stationary combustion and mobile combustion): (fuel) generation emissions

  • Electricity in scope 2: generation emissions + transmission and distribution losses

Those emissions can currently not be manually changed or manipulated independently from their “parent emissions”.

Last updated

#130: New templates

Change request updated