Selection and updates of datasets

Greenhouse Gas Protocol

For each indirect measurement, a company needs to make a quantification of GHG emissions by multiplying activity data by an emission factor. Companies are required to report a description of the types and sources of activity data and emission factors used to calculate the inventory. Companies are required to use the best available and most recent EFs for their application.

(source: GHGP Corporate Value Chain Standard, p68 and p119)

Implementation by Carbon+Alt+Delete

Carbon+Alt+Delete is not a publisher of emission factors itself, but makes existing emission factor datasets available through its platform.

Carbon+Alt+Delete has implemented emission factors in 3 distinct ways:

  • Integrated: emission factor database is mapped to our data model and can be used as “default” set of emission factors (e.g., UK Gov.)

  • Connected: emission factor database is not mapped to our data model and can be used to “cherry-pick” certain emission factors (e.g., Ecoinvent)

  • Custom: user can always define own emission factors

The following emission factor databases are available as “integrated dataset”:

  • UK Government GHG Reporting Factors (cfr. “DEFRA”)

  • Association of Issuing Bodies-ADEME (in development)

  • IEA (in development)

The following emission factor databases are available as "connected dataset":

  • Ecoinvent

  • Exiobase (coming soon)

  • Agribalyse (coming soon)

Integrated and connected emission factor databases are updated whenever a new update is released by the emission factor publisher.

Last updated

#130: New templates

Change request updated