2022 September
There are important updates to share! New user and company account management, new dashboard options, and the full Ecoinvent database is now available.
There are now different user types and permissions so that users can be given access only to what is important to them. There is a new way to view and compare emission graphs in the Dashboard. And the full Ecoinvent database is now available to users with a license.
What's new?
Improved User and Company Account Management
Where previously all company and user accounts were managed from the Company Accounts settings, there are now three places where these accounts are managed.
Settings: Users is where you can manage user accounts that have access to multiple companies (we call these “Expert Users”). Admin rights also can be assigned or revoked here, and only admins can access this page.
Settings: Company Accounts is the page you’re used to but simplified. Here you can now only manage company accounts and their licenses. Only admins can access this page.
Company Account Settings: Users can be found by clicking the three dots next to the active company. Here you can manage users that will have access to the active company only. Any expert user with access to the company account can manage these users.
Users will have been migrated to the appropriate account type and access permissions, but if you have any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out.
You may also notice a new expert user account called “Carbon+Alt+Delete Support”. This account can be used to grant us access to your account if you should need assistance. Rest assured that the account has no access to your data unless enabled, after which you can revoke access at any time.
Note: As this feature is about user accounts, if you do not see the functionality described above, it might be that your account does not have permission to access the settings.
Comparison Dashboard
You can now view the insights for two sets of data side-by-side. From the Dashboard page, you will see a new Compare tab. This contains two sections where you can select different filters, such as filtering by reporting period or organizational unit and compare the resulting graphs.
Ecoinvent: Full database is now available. Licencing is now applied on a per-user basis.
Sidebar navigation: Updated ordering and grouping of the items in the sidebar
Activity Category Filter: Updates to the dropdown to make multi-selection more intuitive.
Several other minor UI improvements
Bug fixes
Data import: Increased reliability of the import and request flows.
Inventory: Increased reliability when creating emission entries.
Templates: All downloads should be available again.
Known Issues
Some request imports can’t progress past the Processing state
Coming up next
View insights on the emission totals relative to business metrics.
Last updated