How To: Supply data to a request
Learn how to supply emission data through a request without needed a Carbon+Alt+Delete account.
Last updated
Learn how to supply emission data through a request without needed a Carbon+Alt+Delete account.
Last updated
Open the request link from the email that you received.
Take note of the details of the data being requested.
To supply the data required in a spreadsheet file or similar, select "Use Template File" and follow the instructions in the Import From File section of this page.
Confirm that your data is in a format that can be understood by the import functionality.
The file is an .xlxs file
Each row corresponds with one data entry
Entries are all for the same activity category
The field names appear in the top row of the spreadsheet and start in column A
The required fields are included (specific names are not required)
You can also download the template provided and enter or copy your data into the file, matching the columns in the template to your data where possible.
Drag your file onto the file upload block or click to browse for it, and then click the "Next" button to begin the import process.
Once the file is successfully uploaded and initial processing is complete, you can close the page.
At this point, you may also supply any supporting documents required.
The data submitted will be made available to the person who requested it.
If you have made a mistake or wish to submit additional files, you can return to this page and make changes. Once the data is received and imported, however, you will no longer be able to access the request.