Custom Emission Factor Library
Custom emission factors facilitate the use of factors that are not included in the provided datasets, such as factors from international sources or factors provided by suppliers.
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Custom emission factors facilitate the use of factors that are not included in the provided datasets, such as factors from international sources or factors provided by suppliers.
Last updated
Custom entries are intended to facilitate the use of emission factors that are specific to the reporting organisation or consultancy. Relying on custom emission factors to represent externally published factors because they are not yet supported by Carbon+Alt+Delete is not recommended.
Please contact us at and we will let you know if your required data source is already on our roadmap or if we can provide an alternative solution.
The Emission Factor Library provides two connected datasets that can be populated with custom emission factors.
Shared Custom dataset
This is available for use in all company accounts in the consultancy
Only Admin users can create and edit the shared dataset
Private Custom dataset
This is available for use in one specific company account
Any user with access to the company account (other than read-only Reviewers) can create and edit the private dataset
Once populated, these datasets are used exactly the same way that other connected datasets are used.
In the Emission Factor Library, you will find the two custom datasets - one for the consultancy and one for the active company account.
New factors can be created by selecting "Add" at the bottom of the table. As with a standard emission factor, each has a keyword, detail, and description to help identify the required factor when searching. The unit is also selected (or custom text entered).
The factor value can be given as a single input or can include a full breakdown by greenhouse gas and life cycle stages. If you have full details for an emission factor, switch "Enable full details" to on and a table of inputs will appear.
There is also the option to define an emission factor that has a reporting split with either market and location based reporting or value with and without radiative forcing.
Please note the following full details fields
Total kgCO₂e/unit - This is the sum of the breakdown values below it excluding the biogenic and "Other" values.
CO₂e* - In this row, you can enter the total emissions for which the GHG breakdown is not known. When switching between having a reporting split and no reporting split, this is the only value which will be preserved.