From the report page, you can export the company's Carbon Footprint Report (PDF) and Table (XLSX). You can select which repoting period and organizational unit to include.
Last updated
From the report page, you can export the company's Carbon Footprint Report (PDF) and Table (XLSX). You can select which repoting period and organizational unit to include.
Last updated
Reports are a simple way to share your emissions data and summaries with those that need to review it without having access to the full activity data.
From the Reports view, you can generate new reports, retrieve previously generated reports, and customize specific sections of the report.
There are 4 report formats
GHG Protocol
ISO 14064-1
Internal Report
Inventory Export
Report format 1, 2, and 3 are available as PDF and XLSX files. The Inventory Export contains the raw data from the Inventory and is therefore only available as an XLSX file. The ESRS-E1 report is available as docx file.
Note that the PDF has been optimized for editing in Microsoft Word. See Editing a PDF report
To create a report based on the current Inventory data and Disclosure questions, select a report type, file type, reporting period, and organizational unit.
Wait for the report to generate and then select the Download button.
The file might take some a few minutes to generate, but you are free to navigate away from the page and retrieve it from the Report History at a later time.
On the Report History tab, you will find a list of recently created reports. Each time you generate a report, the system will keep a record of the data used in that report and going forward you will be able to download the same data in any report format or file type.
This allows you to retrieve, for example,
Different formats formats of the same data
Reports generated before changes to the Inventory
A report created by a different user
The Inventory Export can also act as a back-up and can be referenced in the case of a loss of data.
To download a report from the history, click on a row in the table and use the options at the bottom of the table to retrieve the report you require.
It is important to customize the text of the report to accurately reflect the reporting company and methods used.
The Disclosure tab allows you to edit specific sections of the report. These sections include:
Company Description
Contact Details
Consolidation Method Approach
Exclusion Criteria
Approach to base year reporting
Uncertainty Assessment
Review, Internal Audit and Improvement
Carbon+Alt+Delete has provided some default text for each of the sections, but they should be reviewed and edited for each company account. To revert to the default text, simply delete the customized text.
Another section of the report that can and should be customized is the Activity Category descriptions. These must be edited from the Boundaries view.
To create an editable version of the report, simply right-click the file and select “Open with” and then “Word”.
You may recieve a warning about the conversion and then need to enable editing on the document.