Boundaries allow you to manage the way your data is separated during reporting. There are three types of boundaries: Reporting Periods, Organizational Units, and Activity Categories
Reporting Periods
A reporting period is the time frame during which a set of emissions were produced. At least one reporting period is required to begin data collection. The periods should be all the same length of time. We recommend the use of years, but it is possible to report for different periods such as quarters or months if you so choose.
You can create new empty reporting periods or use the Duplicate Reporting Period option if you wish to use a previous period as a starting point.
Once you have completed the carbon footprint for a particular period, you will be able to lock the period and this will prevent the addition of new inventory data for that period.
Organizational Units
This page provides a tree structure for assigning data to the different subdivisions of an organization. This can be based on location, department, product, or whatever makes the most sense for the organization. By default, all emission data will be assigned to the automatically created top-level unit – the company.
Activity Categories
By default, activity categories are set up to align with those laid out in the GHGP. Clicking on the expand icon on a specific activity category will open a detailed view which contains information about the activity category, such as the category type, GHGP scope, and description.
To create new activities while preserving the category type and scope classifications, you will need to make a copy of an existing activity. You will then be able to rename and move it between categories as needed.
Last updated