2023 June - 2
What’s new?
Add an ecoinvent emission factor to an existing entry in the Inventory
You can now apply ecoinvent emission factors directly from the Inventory. Simply select “ecoinvent” from the “Factor Source” dropdown in the detail pane.
Click on the three-dot icon that appears next to the “Emission Factor” field and select “Search Emission Factor Library”. You will then search for and select an emission factor from the table in the manner you are accustomed to.
To return to using the default preferred emission factor dataset (as set in Boundaries > Emission Factors), change the Factor Source back to “Preferred Source”. The keyword and details (e.g. Material and Disposal) will then be used to find the appropriate factor.
When an ecoinvent factor is used, the keywords and detail are available for you to use as needed. If they are empty when the emission factor is selected, they will be populated according to the factor.
Please note that existing ecoinvent entries in the Inventory will have been moved from the Custom activity category to their assigned reporting category.
Dependent Unit matching in Import
Following on from the last release, we have added Unit to the combined matching that is used for columns where the values are dependent on other column values. You will now only be shown unit options that correspond with the selected keyword and detail and will need to match the unit for each combination.
In order to accommodate this we have changed some of the templates to use a combined unit in the cases where there are multiple units, such as weight and distance in the transport & distribution categories. The combined unit should be formatted with a period between the two units (as they are shown in other areas of the system) e.g. “tonnes.km”.
You will need to download new templates from the Support Pages or update your files to include this new column.
The affected Activity Categories are:
Upstream transport & distribution
Downstream transport & distribution
Business Travel
Coming Up Next!
We are looking forward to a big Report update, including editable reports.
Last updated