Electricity and market vs. location-based emissions
Implementation by Carbon+Alt+Delete
For the AiB, the implementation on the market and location based mixes looks like:
Country average mix
Supplier Mix
Production Mix
Residual mix (no green electricity contract)
Residual Mix
Production Mix
Green electricity contract
Set to 0
Production Mix
Production mix is the only data in the AIB source that does not use Guarantees of Origin (GOs); and therefore the only one that does not use market mechanism (=good for location-based). Supplier Mix considers the average mix in a country taking into account GO trades, so that is a good reference for Country Average - Market based.
Residual mix is per definition the energy left in a country after GO's are taken into account (after Green electricity is sold off). So that is Grey - Market based per definition.
Green electricity is set to 0 per definition.
Last updated