UK Government GHG Conversion Factors CADv2024

Dataset info

Full name GHG Reporting Factors


UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting


Emission Factor set published by UK Government for use by UK and international organisations.

Version nr.


Publications included

v2024 1.0, v2023 1.0. v2022 3.0. v2021 3.0. v2020 1.0, v2019 1.03, v2018 1.01, v2017 1.00

Methodological Readout Details

Changes for reporting year 2024

For a detailed overview of all emission factor that have changed with respect to the 2023 publication, see the official publication on that topic:

UK Gov GHG Conversion factors - 2024 Major changes to the Conversion Factors

Some highlighted change of biggest importance:

  • Vehicles: 30% to 50% increase of Plug-in Hybrid EV emissions due to increased fossil driving assumption.

  • Fuels: -10% to -100% on Generation (WTT) emissions for some biofuels

  • Waste: -70% on all non-landfill waste options because transport distance estimate has been corrected

Changes for earlier years

Emission value changes

  • Electric Vehicle (Battery EV and Plug-in Hybrid EV) combustion-electricity split

    • Vehicles with both an electric (UK electricity) and a combustion component now have a clear split between both components. This is reflected in the details "Plug-in hybrid EV" vs "Plug-in hybrid (combustion part)" and "Battery EV" vs "Battery EV (combustion part)"

    • The WTT component (Generation) for these Electric Vehicles have been split, with the electric generation part added to the Electric component, and the fossil generation part added to the combustion component.

    • Plug-in hybrid vehicles will show an 10-40% reduction in generation emissions for the combustion component, as these emissions are now correctly attributed to electricity component instead.

  • Refrigerated Transport

    • Refrigerated HGV trucks are no longer missing the Generation (WTT) values in Scope 3, resulting in approximately 20% increase in lifecycle emissions

  • Increased accuracy of numeric readouts

Important keyword changes

  • Electricity keyword changes for to improve clarity

    • Green contract renamed to Green electricity contract

    • Country average renamed to Country average mix

Validity period enforcement changes

  • Open-loop source products: Stricter validity period enforcement following UK Government discontinuation in 2022

  • Bio petrol and renewable petrol factors: Stricter validity period enforcement following UK Government discontinuation in 2023

Dataset Quality Flags

This dataset has no Greenhouse gas split available for biofuels.

Data quality concerns about Hotel Stay emission factors published in 2021 and earlier.

Emission Factor Flags

See remarks on "open-loop source" and "hotel stay" above.

Last updated