2024 August
Last updated
Last updated
We are pleased to inform you of several new updates in Carbon+Alt+Delete:
Settings and Boundaries Restructure
Multi-Edit for Attachments and Notes
"Is Exactly” filter
New Explainer videos available
To enhance the intuitiveness of our interface, we have reorganized a few elements within the Settings and Boundaries views. The Settings area now consists of three distinct sections:
My Account Settings
Manage your user account details such as name, photo etc.
Company Account Settings (Consultant access only)
Manage Company Account users
Find the new page for entering company details such as company number, website, address etc.
Consultancy Settings (Admin access only)
Manage Company Accounts
Manage Expert users
Customize the appearance of the app
Additionally, some items have been relocated from the Settings pages to more relevant sections within the Boundaries view:
Reporting Settings
Previously under Company Account Settings, these options are now found within the Organizational Units and Emission Factors tabs in Boundaries.
Custom Fields
These have also been moved to the Boundaries view in their own tab.
Business Metrics
We’ve introduced a dedicated page for creating and editing Business Metric details, which were previously managed within the Inventory section.
We’ve enhanced the multi-edit functionality, allowing you to manage attachments and notes across multiple Inventory entries at once.
Shared Documents If a specific document is shared by all selected entries, it will be displayed in multi-edit mode, and you are able to remove it from all lines simultaneously. To qualify, the document must be the exact same file, uploaded to all entries in the same operation—either through the import flow or via multi-edit.
Mixed Documents If any selected entries contain documents that are not present on all lines, these will be shown as "Mixed documents." In this case, editing those documents will not be possible.
We have introduced a new filter type that allows for precise filtering within specific Exiobase and Ecoinvent fields.
Exact value filtering is available in the following fields:
ISIC Class
We’ve added a series of new video resources to our help pages, offering both a general introduction to the app and detailed explanations of specific functionalities.
The new videos cover the following topics:
A general demo
User roles
Data input flows
Carbon calculation
Dashboard improvements:
Clearer behaviour of All/None in multi-select filters
Fixed ordering on “Emissions over time” graph
Fixed inconsistency with intercompany trade
Filtering by Unit added in the Inventory
Improved reliability of report generation
In the next release we look forward to bringing you Report updates and a new import option with direct emission factor assignment!