2022 July

We have a lot of exciting updates to share! You can now simulate your climate action plans, use LCA emission factors and upload your data even quicker from spreadsheets.

What's new?

Simulation (beta). Determine the potential impact of climate action plans. Choose from the template actions, or fill in your own details. Explore the simulated results by year, by activity category or per action.

Ecoinvent. Extend your Emission Factor library with the 18000+ Ecoinvent LCA factors. Search and filter to find the factor that fits your project and import it directly into your inventory. Contact us for more information about licencing.

Improved Data Import. Upload data using a spreadsheet with the Import functionality. Flexible column matching to accommodate any type of data arrangement.


Organizational units. All companies now have a tree structure with a single source node. No longer possible to create entries without an organizational unit.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem where new users could not be added

  • Fixed unresponsive buttons in the details pane

  • Fixed instances where export to spreadsheet was not available

Known Issues

  • Doubled emissions shown in dashboard – in some rare occasions the dashboard can show all emission data doubled.

  • Reset organizational unit filter for workaround.

Coming up next

  • Updates to account and user management

  • Compare two subsets directly in comparison dashboard

  • Send out automatic data requests to all data providers

  • Upload data automatically by connecting to a supplier platform

Last updated