2024 September
Last updated
Last updated
We are pleased to inform you of two new updates in Carbon+Alt+Delete:
New import flow for emission factors in any dataset
Life Cycle Emission Factors for Scope 3 Calculations
We have introduced a powerful new Import flow, which supports the use of emission factors from any dataset on the system – even custom factors!
Emission Factor Reference field
To facilitate this we have added a new field, Emission Factor Reference. This unique identifier ensures that an exact emission factor can be specified, making it easier to search, filter, and import data.
You can find the Emission Factor Reference field on the factors in the Emission Factor Library and in the Inventory on the lines where the factor is applied.
Import Flow update
In the first step of the Import flow you will now need to select an option for the desired Factor Mapping method. The field includes the following options:
By Keyword and Detail: The flow you’re familiar with, where keywords and details are used to match the appropriate factor. Only factors from your default datasets can be applied during this flow.
By Factor Reference: The new flow which uses the Emission Factor Reference for mapping. Note that if an unrecognized reference is provided, no manual assignment will be possible.
Create New Factors: Select this option if you previously used “Custom” in the Activity Category field. It allows you to import Inventory entries and create new custom factors directly from the values provided.
Note that factors assigned using a reference will not automatically update if a new version of the dataset is released.
Check out our support pages for a more detailed import walkthrough
We have added native support for life cycle emission factors into Scope 3 calculations.
Life cycle emission factors represent emissions that occur across all stages of a product or service's life cycle, typically including upstream effects. This optional reporting provides a more complete view of the full impact when reporting on fuel, energy or other products in scope 3 categories.
This feature is turned OFF for all existing company accounts. You can enable it in the Boundaries > Emission Factors settings.
This setting will be turned ON by default for new company accounts from today onwards.
Copy link invite – Copy a link to invite a new user instead of sending an email
Duplicate Custom Factor – New option to duplicate custom emission factors
Cancelled import bug – Custom factors no longer created if the import is cancelled
Upload tonne.km unit association error - thanks Jelte from Pantarein for reporting this!
In the next releases we look forward to a major Report update, two new Emission Factor Datasets, and a new AI-based emission factor search functionality.